This blog is written by Jessica, friend of mine. My heart was dry; You made it wet With the shower of love.. “DON’T BE A PASSING CLOUD; ITS MAKING ME CRY ALOUD…” You passed in my life like a wind And I got the pain till the end I can see you all around; You made my life turn around Stab me with the sword; But never kill me by the absence of your word. “DON’T BE A PASSING CLOUD; ITS MAKING ME CRY ALOUD…” I wanna forget your love And make my heart shallow; My mind becomes narrow That it can always think only you . “DON’T BE A PASSING CLOUD; ITS MAKING ME CRY ALOUD….” I can be all alone Drowning into the deep mourn But you come back again and again In my heart to make it filled with pain; You made me forget this world without grain And make me sleepless till the sun shine. “DON’T BE A PASSING CLOUD; ITS ...
Confessing my reality....!!!